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Anita La Selva
Intern Director/Dialect Coach/Actor - 
Jim Watts: Girl Reporter

Anita La Selva is an award-winning actor, director, dramaturg and teacher.   As an actor she has worked for theatre companies across Canada including the Blyth Festival, Centaur Theatre, Thousand Islands Playhouse, Aluna Theatre, The Banff Centre and many more. Her television work includes “Suits,” “The Romanoffs,” “Rogue,” “Orphan Black,” "Running with Violet” and numerous independent films. She has directed and created/co-created several original inter-disciplinary works and is the 2019 recipient of the Gina Wilkinson Award for Emerging Female Director. Anita holds an MFA in Directing from York University and teaches regularly in the York and Seneca College Acting programs.

Anita La Selva - Assistant Director & Actor - Jim Watts - Girl Reporter.jpg
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