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The Great Shadow - 2022. Advanced Photo Shoot - Wayne Eardley (4).jpg


Julia Scaringi & M. John Kennedy The Great Shadow, 2022. Photo by Wayne Eardley, Brookside Studio.

The Housekeeper

Written by Ian McLachlan &

Robert Winslow

July 1 - 19, 2025

Directed by Robert Winslow

July 1 – 19

Previews: July 1, 2

Opening Night: Thursday, July 3

Tuesday to Saturday at 6 pm

With an added Monday performance on

July 14th


Mature Content. Recommended 16+

It is 1955 and a mysterious woman arrives in Millbrook. Eleanor Gwyn is looking for a job and being the housekeeper for widower Walter White might be the perfect fit. Eleanor is hoping to put down roots, find a place to call home and make a fresh start in her life. But is Millbrook ready for Eleanor and her progressive world views? This compelling mystery romance is the fourth in Robert Winslow & Ian McLachlan’s series of plays about Barnardo children and their impact on Canadian culture and history. The Housekeeper ponders the duality of the welcoming and easy nature of small towns with how small towns can be suspicious of outsiders. Mature Content. Recommended 16+.

Wild Irish Geeses. Featuring Megan Murphy. Photo by Wayne Eardley - Brookside Studio..jpg

Photo featuring Megan Murphy by Wayne Eardley, Brookside Studio.


Written by Megan Murphy

July 29 - August 30, 2025

Directed by Kim Blackwell

July 29 - August 30

Previews: July 29, 30

Opening Night: Thursday, July 31

Tuesday to Saturday at 6 pm

With an added Monday performance on August 25th

Wild Irish Geese

Wild Irish Geese is the story of Irish settlers and their journey to the Peterborough region. Peter Robinson was the architect of an 1820s emigration plan which saw thousands of Irish families come to Canada to escape the brutal poverty which they were facing in Ireland. Eventually over 2,000 impoverished Irish settled in Scotts Plains, later renamed Peterborough and began their lives anew. These new Canadians planted deep roots in the Peterborough area and have thousands of descendants both locally and across the globe.

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9 Tupper Street, Millbrook, ON  L0A 1G0


Box Office: 705-932-4445

Toll-Free : 1-800-814-0055

Box Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Summer Performance Venue

The Winslow Farm

779 Zion Line Millbrook, ON  L0A 1G0

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4th Line Theatre is a not-for-profit, cultural, charitable organization that heavily relies on monetary donations, ticket sales, government funding, advertising and sponsorship support to ensure our success year after year.

Charitable Registration #13762 2866 RR0001

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